On October 14-16, I was a tour to Toraja . And this is my tour story

first day,  at 7.30 we gathered on the Makassar tourism piliteknik campus precisely on the GO (orens building). Before departing, the distribution of lagugge tags, id cards, and absence is done. At exactly 8:00 we left for Toraja. And just like the previous tours, we were divided for the first day, second day and third day, so during the Makassar trip to Toraja, the 4 participants were guiding. On our way through maros regency, pangkep regency, barru regency. 4 hours drive we stopped at one of the restaurants in Barru, the name of the restaurant is KUPA BEACH RESTAURANT. Before entering the restaurant we are given a welcome drink like the picture below

the welcome drink tastes good, fresh, the welcome drink is thick coconut juice. After drinking welcome drink, we entered into the resaturant for lunch, after lunch we prayed in congregation at the mosque restaurant, after prayer we returned to continue the seventh toraja trip by passing through the city of Pare – Pare city, sidrap regency, Enrekang Regency. On the trip in Enrekang the weather was cloudy and it did not rain for long, but the rain was not so heavy. And in Enrekang we stopped at Bambapuang for coffee break by seeing a very beautiful view of Mt Nona.

After the coffee break we continue the trip to Toraja. Do not feel we have been 8 hours on the way, we arrived in Toraja precisely in North Toraja at the indra hotel at 19:10

after arriving at the hotel we checked in then went to our rooms - each changed clothes to go to the restaurant. when we were in the room we were given a welcome drink he said earlier from the hotel forgot to give us time to arrive so they brought to our room the welcome drink. After changing clothes at 20.00 we gathered in the hotel lobby and then walked to the restaurant penyet chicken which is not too far from the senses hotel. after dinner continue with the evaluation then return to the hotel for a break.

The second day, morning call is done at 04.50, then at 05.00 we gather in the lobby for those who want to take a walk around the city, and for those who do not want to hang out at the lobby at 06:00 then breakfast, and those who take the walk also have breakfast at 06.00.  after breakfast return to each room - each to prepare to leave for trackking. At 07.00 we left for the trackking location, during the trip also conducted a guiding. This trip is rather streamed because the road is slippery and small and our left or right sides are sometimes cliffs, and if you pass another car there must be 1 car that relents to retreat to look for a slightly wide road and then drive

Approximately 30 minutes we stopped in timenmbayo here we saw a very beautiful view, the mountain fields, the trees are all very beautiful like paintings, here we are not long because the streets are small and there is no place to park the bus so we just look, take pictures and then continue the journey again. along the way our eyes are spoiled with a very beautiful view and a very thick fog in the morning

Not long after we arrived at Loko'mata, Loka'mata was a stone grave. After we were given time to take pictures then we surrounded this stone grave, when around the stone grave we saw a grave that was still new, there was a stone still in the hole, and it turned out to make a hole in the stone before it was burned to make it more easy when working. 

After that we met with tourists from Australia who were tracked accompanied by 1 local tour guide. We also talked to tourists whose name is Melani, he was very happy to take a stand in Toraja and we also talked with the tourguide who accompanied us to be very lucky to be able to talk with Melani and Turguide because we got more information about Toraja.

after that we started doing soft trackking from loko’mata during the trip we got a very beautiful view, and very friendly citizens. On the trip we saw there was a crowd we were haunted and it turns out residents are doing mutual cooperation to raise the pole tongkonan.

Stone to raise the pole should not be lifted but must be dragged. And here I see a pig that has been processed

This pig looks really good from its aroma, and said the boiled mothers will be served to the fathers who have worked, this processed pig is just like a konro cow. and here we met with tourists from Japan. Tourists from Japan are their husband and wife come to Toraja without using the tourguide, they travel around toraja using the motorbike they rent. After seeing the residents working together we continued to trackking. 30 minutes later we arrived at mentirotiko restaurant

restaurant that offers a very beautiful natural scenery, and this restaurant is subscribed to the Caucasians, Caucasians, and here we are served traditional food that is papiong,


Chicken marinated in coconut and other spices cooked in bamboo and papiong tastes very good. After lunch we pray at the mosque restaurant and then we take the bus to the next trackking location, we are only 15 minutes on the trip and then we get off the bus to continue tracking. on our trip we stopped by to see residents who were carving tongkonans

it looks so cool, my eyes keep watching the person who carved the tongkonan because it looks so cool all the size is exactly the same. After seeing the carvings we continued our journey and we saw a very high gravestone,

the higher the tombstone means the higher the degree while living. And tombstones here are old or can only be seen from the stone, if the stone is mossy and overgrown with plants then the stone means it's been a long time. We are also trekking through the fields, there are some friends who fell like a very exciting moment in my opinion.

We also stopped by to see the residents' buffalo, the overall black-colored and also the white-colored buffalo on the body, the buffalo bonga, which has a large size. For an ordinary buffalo that costs 85 million rupiah, and for an unusual buffalo like a bonga teddy it costs 350 million rupiah.

We visited people’s homes with lots of buffalo horns , and there is a tongkonan that has a necklace that means that the tongkonan has 24 times cut buffalo.

All residents who were met during the track were all very friendly, and the last we visited was a baby's grave in a tree trunk or commonly called a baby grave in a tree. Not all trees can be made as a grave for infants only the Tarra tree 'because the tarra tree has pus which is believed to feed deceased babies, and not all babies can also be buried in the tree, only babies who do not yet have teeth that can be used bury in a tree

At the baby grave location we met with tourists from France, he came alone and without tourguide. French tourists ask us to make videos by greeting their children. We enjoyed meeting this traveler.

After that we finally saw the bus. We did not immediately get on the bus but we were alone in the rice fields sitting - sitting while eating refresmant then boarded the bus and returned to the indar hotel

While on the way to go, it felt like a long time, and when we got home very quickly arrived at the hotel and it turned out we were very far away, we all did not expect, we were great and we were happy. too far from the hotel.

After that we returned to the hotel on foot from Tami to the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, we went straight to our rooms - each to take a break, to take a shower and at 7 we gathered again in the lobby then we walked back to the restaurant penyet chicken, after the evening meal continued with the evaluation for the tour that day, then headed back hotel for rest

Day three, morning call at 05.00 and 06.00 we have breakfast, when breakfast we have to bring our goods in the lobby as well as check out, after breakfast we immediately take the bus to the Rantepo market to shop, here we are given 30 minutes to shop , unfortunately because at 07.00 we went to the market there were still many kiosks that were not yet open. But many friends buy traditional toraja cakes, deppatory, many are shopping for bags, clothes, toraja gloves, etc.


After that we continue the journey to Makassar, and we also singga at the Toraja land roundabout to see the male statue of Padada,

then we continue the journey and on the way home we returned to stop in Bambapuang for coffee break for approximately 1 hour we returned to continue the journey to Makassar. After 4 hours of our trip singga on the terrace terrace in the city of Pare - Pare for lunch

after lunch we returned to continue the journey to Makassar and in maros relapse back to dinner at the ideal rastaurant, then after eating we continue the journey to Makassar , and at 20.37 we arrived at the beloved campus of Makassar tourism polytechnic.


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On October 14-16, I was a tour to Toraja . And this is my tour story 

first day,  at 7.30 we gathered on the Makassar tourism polytechnic campus precisely on the GO (orens building). Before departing, the distribution of lagugge tags, id cards, and absence is done. At exactly 8:00 we left for Toraja. And just like the previous tours, we were divided for the first day, second day and third day, so during the Makassar trip to Toraja, the 4 participants were guiding. On our way through maros regency, pangkep regency, barru regency. 4 hours drive we stopped at one of the restaurants in Barru, the name of the restaurant is KUPA BEACH RESTAURANT. Before entering the restaurant we are given a welcome drink like the picture below 

the welcome drink tastes good, fresh, the welcome drink is thick coconut juice. After drinking welcome drink, we entered into the resaturant for lunch, after lunch we prayed in congregation at the mosque restaurant, after prayer we returned to continue the seventh toraja trip by passing through the city of Pare – Pare city, sidrap regency, Enrekang Regency. On the trip in Enrekang the weather was cloudy and it did not rain for long, but the rain was not so heavy. And in Enrekang we stopped at Bambapuang for coffee break by seeing a very beautiful view of Mt Nona. 

After the coffee break we continue the trip to Toraja. Do not feel we have been 8 hours on the way, we arrived in Toraja precisely in North Toraja at the indra hotel at 19:10 
after arriving at the hotel we checked in then went to our rooms - each changed clothes to go to the restaurant. when we were in the room we were given a welcome drink he said earlier from the hotel forgot to give us time to arrive so they brought to our room the welcome drink. After changing clothes at 20.00 we gathered in the hotel lobby and then walked to the restaurant penyet chicken which is not too far from the senses hotel. after dinner continue with the evaluation then return to the hotel for a break.

The second day, morning call is done at 04.50, then at 05.00 we gather in the lobby for those who want to take a walk around the city, and for those who do not want to hang out at the lobby at 06:00 then breakfast, and those who take the walk also have breakfast at 06.00.  after breakfast return to each room - each to prepare to leave for trackking. At 07.00 we left for the trackking location, during the trip also conducted a guiding. This trip is rather streamed because the road is slippery and small and our left or right sides are sometimes cliffs, and if you pass another car there must be 1 car that relents to retreat to look for a slightly wide road and then drive
Approximately 30 minutes we stopped in timenmbayo here we saw a very beautiful view, the mountain fields, the trees are all very beautiful like paintings, here we are not long because the streets are small and there is no place to park the bus so we just look, take pictures and then continue the journey again. along the way our eyes are spoiled with a very beautiful view and a very thick fog in the morning

Not long after we arrived at Loko'mata, Loka'mata was a stone grave. After we were given time to take pictures then we surrounded this stone grave, when around the stone grave we saw a grave that was still new, there was a stone still in the hole, and it turned out to make a hole in the stone before it was burned to make it more easy when working.  

After that we met with tourists from Australia who were tracked accompanied by 1 local tour guide. We also talked to tourists whose name is Melani, he was very happy to take a stand in Toraja and we also talked with the tourguide who accompanied us to be very lucky to be able to talk with Melani and Turguide because we got more information about Toraja. 
after that we started doing soft trackking from loko’mata during the trip we got a very beautiful view, and very friendly citizens. On the trip we saw there was a crowd we were haunted and it turns out residents are doing mutual cooperation to raise the pole tongkonan. 

Stone to raise the pole should not be lifted but must be dragged. And here I see a pig that has been processed 
This pig looks really good from its aroma, and said the boiled mothers will be served to the fathers who have worked, this processed pig is just like a konro cow. and here we met with tourists from Japan. Tourists from Japan are their husband and wife come to Toraja without using the tourguide, they travel around toraja using the motorbike they rent. After seeing the residents working together we continued to trackking. 30 minutes later we arrived at mentirotiko restaurant 
restaurant that offers a very beautiful natural scenery, and this restaurant is subscribed to the Caucasians, Caucasians, and here we are served traditional food that is papiong,


Chicken marinated in coconut and other spices cooked in bamboo and papiong tastes very good. After lunch we pray at the mosque restaurant and then we take the bus to the next trackking location, we are only 15 minutes on the trip and then we get off the bus to continue tracking. on our trip we stopped by to see residents who were carving tongkonans 

it looks so cool, my eyes keep watching the person who carved the tongkonan because it looks so cool all the size is exactly the same. After seeing the carvings we continued our journey and we saw a very high gravestone,

the higher the tombstone means the higher the degree while living. And tombstones here are old or can only be seen from the stone, if the stone is mossy and overgrown with plants then the stone means it's been a long time. We are also trekking through the fields, there are some friends who fell like a very exciting moment in my opinion. 
We also stopped by to see the residents' buffalo, the overall black-colored and also the white-colored buffalo on the body, the buffalo bonga, which has a large size. For an ordinary buffalo that costs 85 million rupiah, and for an unusual buffalo like a bonga teddy it costs 350 million rupiah.

We visited people’s homes with lots of buffalo horns , and there is a tongkonan that has a necklace that means that the tongkonan has 24 times cut buffalo.

All residents who were met during the track were all very friendly, and the last we visited was a baby's grave in a tree trunk or commonly called a baby grave in a tree. Not all trees can be made as a grave for infants only the Tarra tree 'because the tarra tree has pus which is believed to feed deceased babies, and not all babies can also be buried in the tree, only babies who do not yet have teeth that can be used bury in a tree

At the baby grave location we met with tourists from France, he came alone and without tourguide. French tourists ask us to make videos by greeting their children. We enjoyed meeting this traveler.

After that we finally saw the bus. We did not immediately get on the bus but we were alone in the rice fields sitting - sitting while eating refresmant then boarded the bus and returned to the indar hotel
While on the way to go, it felt like a long time, and when we got home very quickly arrived at the hotel and it turned out we were very far away, we all did not expect, we were great and we were happy. too far from the hotel.
After that we returned to the hotel on foot from Tami to the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, we went straight to our rooms - each to take a break, to take a shower and at 7 we gathered again in the lobby then we walked back to the restaurant penyet chicken, after the evening meal continued with the evaluation for the tour that day, then headed back hotel for rest

Day three, morning call at 05.00 and 06.00 we have breakfast, when breakfast we have to bring our goods in the lobby as well as check out, after breakfast we immediately take the bus to the Rantepo market to shop, here we are given 30 minutes to shop , unfortunately because at 07.00 we went to the market there were still many kiosks that were not yet open. But many friends buy traditional toraja cakes, deppatory, many are shopping for bags, clothes, toraja gloves, etc.


After that we continue the journey to Makassar, and we also singga at the Toraja land roundabout to see the male statue of Padada,
then we continue the journey and on the way home we returned to stop in Bambapuang for coffee break for approximately 1 hour we returned to continue the journey to Makassar. After 4 hours of our trip singga on the terrace terrace in the city of Pare - Pare for lunch

after lunch we returned to continue the journey to Makassar and in maros relapse back to dinner at the ideal rastaurant, then after eating we continue the journey to Makassar , and at 20.37 we arrived at the beloved campus of Makassar tourism polytechnic.

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